Task List

4 Best Advantages of a SharePoint Task List Template

Ever get overwhelmed when trying to tackle a big project? The answer to all your stress might just be a SharePoint task list.

Projects are hard to tackle. You have all of these people working on different parts. It’s hard to keep track of progress and what’s left to do. That is why it is important to see the bigger picture. You can do so by using a SharePoint task list. A SharePoint is a feature of Microsoft that allows you to micromanage while looking at the project holistically. Excited to try it out? Read our articles until the end.

What’s so great about SharePoint Task List ?

A SharePoint might be unfamiliar. But, you need to know that it is the best thing that your team could use. Some of the best advantages of a SharePoint are:

  1.  Allows you to see the timeline

There’s a feature in SharePoint that allows you to see when the projects ends and starts. It also allows you to see the in-between. It makes you know exactly what you need to do now and in the future.

  1. Allows you to delegate the task

You can give small tasks to different people. You could also set the timeline of when they’re supposed to finish the task.

  1. Allows you to keep track of your teammate’s progress

Then, your teammate can fill in their progress as they work. It allows you to stress less about the task not being done.

  1. Allows you to customize your task

Along the way, you can add or delete a project as you wish.

How to use a SharePoint task list

SharePoint task list
SharePoint task list

Just knowing what a SharePoint is will not suffice. You need to know how to use SharePoint task list. Here are our tips on how to do it:

  • Be on the same page with your teammates

It’s important that all teammates are on the same page. Brief them on the bigger picture of the project. Let them know when it’s supposed to end and start. Also tell them what’s in the in-between.

  • Urge them to use the task list

Don’t let the task list in SharePoint sit idle. Urge them to use it from the start of the project.

  • Revise, review, renew

Always revise your progress or setback. Then, renew the things that is not working for your project.

SharePoint Task List Template

SharePoint Project Management Template

No more feeling overwhelmed. Your productivity companion would be a SharePoint task list template. It is simple, efficient, and it gets the job done. With our tips in hand, there’s no stopping you. Go finish that project!