Making film is such a rewarding activity. But sometimes the busyness can cast a gray fog on the joy. Use our shooting schedule template to stay organized.
There are a lot of things to manage when you want to make a film. Not being organized will be the death of movie maker. This is because unorganized people will tend to the technicalities more than the quality. We do not want that to happen to you. That is why we’re providing you with an essential shooting schedule template plus a few tips on how to use it.
The content of a Shooting schedule template
To get an organized schedule, we’ve included a few features in the template. Check out what those features are:
Page and scene to shoot
First thing to jot down is these two things. How many pages of the script will be used? Plus, which scene is going to be shot? This is the structure for other details
Then, based on the scene you need to write down the place for the shooting. Even if it is the same place in every scene, write it down.
Which actor is going to be in the scene? Be very specific on this. If not, your actor might not show up at the day of the shooting.
Determine whether the shooting is conducted at day or night. You could also be more specific with the time.
How to make the best movie
You’ve got the template in your hand. Now it’s time to know how to use it. The way to use our shooting schedule template are:
Brief it to your team
An organized production won’t be achieved if you’re the only one who knows the schedule. Brief it to your team. Allow time for questions to further clarify the content. Make sure that everyone’s on the same page.
Try to stick to what is written
Our next tip is to actually use the schedule. If you keep derailing off the schedule, you’ll see that efficiency won’t be achieved. After all, you made that schedule for a reason.
Use it in time for evaluation
When the production is over, evaluate using the schedule. You can clearly see if the production team missed a thing or two. Or you could see which aspect should be added. Keep this evaluation result for your future movie production.
Shooting Schedule Template

Documentary Shooting Schedule Template
Film Production Shooting Schedule Template
TV Shooting Schedule Template
Preliminary Shooting Schedule Template
Shooting Schedule Template Free
A shooting schedule template is the foundation to making a brilliant movie. You don’t need to stress about missing one aspect of the movie. All you need to do is to focus on the quality. With our tips on using the template, you’ll surely get the hang of it. Good luck